For further support, you can reach the Migration Directorate by calling 157 if you are in Türkiye or +90 312 157 11 22 if you are abroad.
You can visit the Migration Directorate in person by following the details on our Important Places page.
If you realize that your data is wrong on your permit card once you receive it, you can correct it at the Kumkapı Migration Office as well.
If you complete the online application after 10 days of your visa/residence permit expiry, you may be subject to a fine which will be determined by the Migration Directorate once they evaluate your application. You can learn the amount once you check the status of your application on the official website.
For the whole process, please visit this webpage.
You may get more information regarding the process and documents from the e-İkamet website and by calling the 157 Foreigners Communication Center.
If you are going to continue as a student at KU, please refer to our Transfer Students page.
If you wish to stay in Türkiye and are not planning to continue as a student, please refer to our Changing Residence Permit Purpose page.